What’s Your Risk of Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the Western World. It is usually a slow-growing form of cancer that develops late in life. Rarely, the cancer may grow quickly and aggressively spread to other parts of your body. How do you know if you are at risk? Here are some common risk factors for prostate cancer:

The Most Common Football Hand Injuries

Football season has begun and it’s time to get in on the fun! While most of us are aware of and take precautions against serious injuries that can occur on the football field, hand injuries are often overlooked. Did you know that 48% of football injuries involve fingers? Here are the most common football hand injuries that could put you on the side lines

Are You at Risk for Diabetes? Learn the Symptoms

Diabetes, a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels, is a major health concern in America as well as other parts of the world. If you are in the habit of incorporating a lot of sugar into your diet, you may be putting yourself at risk for developing diabetes. There are several other factors that could increase your risk of developing this potentially life and limb-threatening disease.

Managing Your Chronic Pain

Not being able to perform simple activities such as getting out and socializing or routine daily tasks due to pain can be quite frustrating! Pain, especially the type that lasts for a long time, can affect all aspects of your life. The causes for such pain could be due to accidental injuries, bone and joint conditions, and a variety of other causes.