Common myths about sports injuries

When it comes to treating sports injuries, everyone has an opinion about what works best. But most people aren’t doctors or specialists who work in the areas of sports medicine or physical rehabilitation, and some of the “tried-and-true” treatments you may have heard may not be based in sound medical knowledge.

The Benefits of In-Home Physical Therapy

For those who have been through an accident, injury or surgery, physical therapy is often a recommended course of treatment to address weakness, pain, balance, range of motion and impaired mobility. Physical therapy can help restore mobility, functional ability and quality of life through physical intervention, generally in the form of stretches and exercises.

7 Tips to Transition Back Into an Exercise Routine

It’s that time of year when many people are making resolutions to get in shape and be more healthy—are you one of them?

Depending on your current fitness level, getting fit in 2015 may be a big challenge, especially if you are used to a sedentary lifestyle. Don’t let that discourage you. Resolving to live a healthier lifestyle, including regular exercise and proper nutrition, will bring benefits for years to come.

Should you use ice or heat on an injury?

Ice and heat are commonly used to treat sports-related injuries, such as sprained ankles or shoulder injuries. Sometimes, the best treatment for an acute injury or chronic soreness can be the application of ice or heat to the affected area. But how do you know whether you need to use ice or heat for your injury or chronic pain or soreness?

Hypothermia: Prevention and Treatment

Hypothermia is a lowering of the body’s core temperature, and it’s a potentially dangerous condition that can occur when the body is exposed to cold or moisture. Your body’s natural response to cold is shivering, which is a mechanism used to re-warm the body. Eventually, however, that shiver response is not enough to keep your body warm, which can result in hypothermia. When left untreated, hypothermia can be fatal.