Empowering Patients: What You Need to Know About Sentinel Lymph Node Procedures

Empowering Patients: What You Need to Know About Sentinel Lymph Node Procedures

Are you or a loved one facing a cancer diagnosis and considering your treatment options? Understanding the medical procedures available is crucial when navigating this challenging journey. One such procedure that your oncologist may recommend is the sentinel lymph node procedure. This technique is crucial in determining the cancer stage and formulating the most effective…

Signs You May Need a Total Hip Replacement

Signs You May Need a Total Hip Replacement

Total Hip Replacement: Warning Signs, Evaluation, and Recovery Total hip replacement (THR) is a surgical procedure that can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with hip pain and limited mobility. As adults age, we may experience some warning signs that indicate the need for an orthopedic surgeon to evaluate the cause of our…

Is Arthritis Causing My Joint Pain?

If you are experiencing joint pain, you may be wondering if it is due to arthritis or possibly something else. Nearly 1 in 4 Americans suffer from some form of arthritis, but don’t jump the gun and diagnose yourself too quickly. 1 Joint pain can be attributed to other health issues besides arthritis. By definition, Arthritis is…