Congratulations to Huong Le on 10 years of service!

Congratulations Huong Le on ten years of service!

Huong Le is the Physician Liaison for North Central Surgical Center Hospital. She has responsibility for managing relationships with the hospital’s physician partners and their offices, driving patient referrals, overseeing an aggressive marketing program, and providing direction to the senior team on a number of fronts, including social media development, marketing, and sales functions.

ACL Injuries Explored

Each year, an estimated 200,000 people are sidelined by anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. Of those 200,000 injuries, 100,000 require ACL reconstructive surgery. Typically those who play high-risk sports, such as basketball, football or soccer are more likely to experience an ACL injury. If you are an athlete, or even just someone who is active, it’s important to know how ACL injuries occur and what you can do to prevent them. Read below for more information on ACL injuries.

The Importance of Wearing a Helmet

With temperatures finally cooling down, it’s important to brush up on bike safety rules so your kids can ride safely and enjoy the cooler weather. For both adults and children, the most important way to stay safe on a bike is to always wear a helmet. No matter how skilled a roadster your child may be, it’s important they wear a helmet any time they ride a bike, go roller skating or hop on a skateboard.

The Female Athlete Triad: The Dangers of Disordered Eating and Excess Exercise

The Female Athlete Triad is a combination of illnesses that can seriously endanger athletically-driven girls or women who feel intense societal pressure to stay thin. The triad’s three interrelated conditions—disordered eating, menstrual dysfunction and premature osteoporosis—occur when a girl or woman takes dieting and exercise to an extreme. Women can develop one, two or all three components of the triad, and they all can seriously hinder athletic performance and damage long-term health.