The Good News About Colon Cancer

With significant advances in medical science, the number of deaths caused due to colon cancer has been declining over the past several decades. In fact, it is estimated there are 1 million plus survivors of this disease in the United States alone. And the best news is that colon cancer can be prevented! Colon cancer screening saves lives.

The Best Nutrition Is In These 8 Superfoods

Superfoods!! As the name suggests, they are packed with healthy nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that fortify your body against deadly heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and stroke. They also improve your strength, stamina, and vitality making you feel like a real-life superhero. “So, where can you find these superfoods?” you might ask. Not surprisingly, most superfoods can be found at your local supermarket. Here is a list of some superfoods and the reasons why they are super:

Spring Allergies – How to Fight Back

The blossoming of flowers, the splash of color, and warming of the temperatures herald the coming of spring, which is always welcome after a stark cold winter season. Unfortunately, springtime is peak allergy season in the US. Allergies rank 5th among the leading chronic diseases affecting the US with more than half the population (55%) testing positive for one or more allergens.