
North Central Surgical Center Hospital

10 foods for flatter abs

Got swimsuit season on your mind? There’s still time to burn unwanted fat and get flat abs in time for summer. Get your body beach-ready with these fat-burning foods. Leafy...

Get the scoop on TRX Suspension Training

TRX Suspension Training uses bodyweight exercises to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability. This kind of training delivers a full-body workout, with exercises that challenge abs, back, shoulders, chest,...

The benefits of exercising with a stability ball

Stability balls are a popular and versatile piece of fitness equipment used in gyms, homes, physical therapy sessions and even the workplace. Also known as exercise balls, Swiss balls, Physio...

When exercising for weight loss, choose quality over quantity

It’s been engrained in us to believe that the more we exercise, the more weight we will lose. New research suggests that may not be the case after all. If you...

How to build rest days into your workout schedule

Rest and recovery days are an important part of any exercise regimen. Weight training and cardio workouts essentially break down muscle and tissues in your body and deplete your energy...

6 tips for a basketball workout

Basketball fans across the country are gearing up for the big college basketball championship tournament. But you don’t have to be a competitive athlete to get out on the court —...

How to prevent back pain without orthotics

A majority of Americans (an estimated 80 percent) will experience debilitating back pain at some point in their lives. For many of those people, their episodes of back pain are...

How to prevent running injuries

  Running injuries are extremely common among runners of all experience levels. Some statistics estimate that as many as 90 percent of runners miss training time due to an injury...

Choosing the right basketball shoes

Not all athletic shoes are made the same. The type of shoe you need depends on the activity you plan to do in those shoes. Athletic shoes have different features...