
North Central Surgical Center Hospital

Athletes and Rotator Cuff Injury

Many summer sports, like tennis and swimming, are prone to shoulder pain and injury.  In fact, two million patients visit a doctor for rotator cuff injuries each year and 250,000...

Back to School Means Back to Sports

For kids, getting back to school after the long summer break is filled with the excitement of meeting up with their friends and starting up again with their favorite sports....

You Know You Need a Hip Replacement When

You may have sudden sharp pain in your hip or constant pain that makes it hard to sleep. Whichever it is, how will you know when it’s time to consider...

Preventing Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer among American men, with around 180,890 new cases and about 26,120 deaths from the cancer. The prostate gland is present...

The Facts About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women with 1 in 8 developing the cancer during her lifetime. The cancer can occur in men as well but is...

How to Know if You Have Heartburn or Something More Serious

Heartburn or acid reflux is a burning sensation experienced in the chest, which occurs when this muscle weakens and the digestive juices from the stomach spill over into the food...

Infographic: 10 Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

4 Common Myths about Total Knee Replacement

More than 600,000 individuals undergo knee replacement in the US every year and in the process, regain or retain their ability to lead productive and active lives. If your knee...

Benefits to Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

The very idea of going under the surgeon’s knife after being rendered unconscious by anesthesia can send shivers down your spine even if your spine has become a source of...