Many people don’t consider getting a colon examination until they start having bowel problems. Unfortunately, by then it might be too late. So, why is getting a colon examination so important? Because colon cancer is a serious disease that can prove to be fatal if not treated in time. Getting a regular colon cancer examination on a regular basis as recommended by your doctor can greatly lower your risk of developing colon cancer.
People put off getting a colon examination for a number of reasons: fear that the procedure might be unpleasant, not wanting to fast for 24 hours prior to the procedure, or not wanting to take the laxative before the examination, but proper bowel preparation has to be done so your doctor can spot potential signs of trouble within the colon.
Although colon cancer might be caused due to hereditary reasons, lifestyle factors also play a very important role. You can reduce your risk of developing colon cancer with regular exercise, maintaining a healthy body mass index, cutting back on processed foods, and avoiding smoking. However, none of these measures can take the place of having a regular colon examination.
Undergoing a colonoscopy is recommended every 10 years starting from the age of 50 onwards. For those with a familial disposition to colon cancer, a colon examination may need to be done sooner and more frequently. Consult your doctor to determine if you might need to have a colon examination.
At North Central Surgical Center, our mission is to treat each and every one of our patients, and their families, as if they were our own family member. Each patient, each family, each and every time.