
North Central Surgical Center Hospital

Is it Time to Consider Bariatric Surgery?

Sometimes the excess pounds stubbornly refuse to leave your frame no matter what you do. If traditional methods of losing weight such as diet and exercise have not been successful...

Is This Your Year To Get Healthy?

What better way to start the New Year than to give yourself a clean slate and kick start your plan for clean living and healthy eating in the coming year....

High Success Rates of Total Knee Replacement

While in past knee replacements were considered only for the older generation, today even those in their 40s with degenerative knee conditions and knee injuries are electing to undergo knee...

Cardio Exercises that Your Joints Will Love

As a young adult, getting a good cardio workout may be just a matter of going for a fast jog or jumping rope. As we age, however, excessive pounding can...

The Good News About Colon Cancer

With significant advances in medical science, the number of deaths caused due to colon cancer has been declining over the past several decades. In fact, it is estimated there are...

The Best Nutrition Is In These 8 Superfoods

Superfoods!! As the name suggests, they are packed with healthy nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that fortify your body against deadly heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and stroke. They also improve...

Spring Allergies – How to Fight Back

The blossoming of flowers, the splash of color, and warming of the temperatures herald the coming of spring, which is always welcome after a stark cold winter season. Unfortunately, springtime...

Manage Your Back Pain Without Surgery

There’s no question that pain can make everyday activities more difficult, but when the pain is in your back, it may also limit your mobility and can become debilitating. Up...

The Importance of Staying Active: Move It or Lose It

There are few conditions that can impair your quality of life the way arthritis can. Literally, the term arthritis means “joint swelling.” As the condition worsens, it prevents you from...