
North Central Surgical Center Hospital

The Most Common Football Hand Injuries

Football season has begun and it’s time to get in on the fun! While most of us are aware of and take precautions against serious injuries that can occur on...

Are You at Risk for Diabetes? Learn the Symptoms

Diabetes, a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels, is a major health concern in America as well as other parts of the world. If you are in the habit...

Managing Your Chronic Pain

Not being able to perform simple activities such as getting out and socializing or routine daily tasks due to pain can be quite frustrating! Pain, especially the type that lasts...

When to See a Doctor About Your Joint Pain

Everyone experiences the occasional aches and pains in their joints. Such conditions rarely require urgent medical attention. In most instances, self-care measures such as application of an ice pack or...

7 Reasons Why So Many Diets Fail

Diets are started with the best of intentions – to lose a couple of inches off the waistline, get into better shape, and improve overall health. However, as the weeks...

Treatment for a Herniated Cervical Disc

There are 6 cervical discs located in your neck, which act as shock absorbers and prevent your cervical vertebrae from grinding against each other during neck movements. As your body...

Add These Superfoods to Your Daily Diet

A healthy diet is the corner stone of a healthy lifestyle.  Here are 7 superfoods that are easily accessible to most people, can be readily eaten, and will significantly improve...

Low Back Pain…When Do I Need to See a Spine Surgeon?

About 80% of the population of the United States suffer from back pain at some point in their lives and often the pain is centered around the lower back. In...

Are You Heart Healthy?

The human heart is an amazing organ that weighs less than a pound and beats about 100,000 times every day (over 2.5 million times in a lifetime). Unfortunately, a sedentary...